GM Ringway Stage 12

Walks, England, Greater Manchester, Rossendale

Preview Steps

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Map preview for GM Ringway Stage 12
  • The walk begins near the Bridge Inn and Bridge Cafe, Norden, served by buses from Rochdale evey day and from Bury daily except Sundays.

    Step 1: The walk begins near the Bridge Inn and Bridge Cafe, Norden, served by buses from Rochdale evey day and from Bury daily except Sundays.

  • Step 2: Please note that parts of this walk may be damp, muddy and slippery at any time of year and especially after periods of wet weather. Please bear this in mind when planning your trip.

  • Walk along Edenfield Road with the Bridge Inn to your left. Taking care, cross to the right hand side of the busy road.

    Step 3: Walk along Edenfield Road with the Bridge Inn to your left. Taking care, cross to the right hand side of the busy road.

  • Take the first right, the cobbled Greenbooth Road. Watch out for vehicles as there are no pavements.

    Step 4: Take the first right, the cobbled Greenbooth Road. Watch out for vehicles as there are no pavements.

  • Follow the road as it bends left.

    Step 5: Follow the road as it bends left.

  • Step 6: Follow Greenbooth Road as it curves right past industrial units.

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