Step 1: Start from Didsbury Village Metrolink, served by trams from Manchester. Bus stops and East Didsbury train station are also not far away.
Step 2: Please note that parts of this walk may be damp, muddy and slippery at any time of year and especially after periods of wet weather. Please bear this in mind when planning your trip.
Step 3: Exit the station to the east, i.e. with the road, Olive Shapely Avenue, to your right.
Step 4: Cross the road via tactile paving and turn left along the pavement on the opposite side.
Step 5: Just before the end of the road, cross to the left via tactile paving and turn right on the tarmac path.
Step 6: Go through the metal barriers, cross the tram lines via the tarmac walkway with care, and turn right to pass between more metal barriers.