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Step 1: We begin our walk at the ornamental planting beds opposite the St James's Cafe.

Step 2: Our ornamental planting beds provide a beautiful display of flowers, including those that provide nectar and pollen for pollinators.

Step 3: In spring and summer you can see a wide variety of bee species feeding here, as well as hoverflies, butterflies and day-flying moths.

Step 4: The marmalade hoverfly is Britain's most widespread hoverfly, recognisable by its wasp-like orange-and-black banding and large red eyes.

Step 5: You can tell a hoverfly from a wasp by its single pair of wings vs a wasp's two pairs, and it's ability to hover stationary in mid air.

Step 6: Other species like the bumblebee hoverfly have evolved to resemble bees. This mimicry of fiercer insects helps protect them from predators.
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