Step 1: Easy walking - quite a lot on suburban roads. No stiles but several flights of steps. Waymarking starts well but is intermittent after the Cheam Road roundabout. Mainly a walk for people aiming to complete the whole Loop.
Step 2: Coming out of Banstead Station turn left down Banstead Road.
Step 3: After about 100 metres, by house 250, cross right to the road-name sign and enter the path behind it as shown by the Loop signpost.
Step 4: Immediately fork right.
Step 5: Emerge onto the golf course by a sand bunker. Head diagonally over the fairway on a faint path towards a waymark on a post at the far side.
Step 6: The waymark on the far side of the fairway is usually visible from a distance. Go past it on a track into the trees.