Step 1: Welcome to the Exeter Green Circle! Start at the top of Pennsylvania Rd, at the intersection with Stoke Valley Road.
Step 2: The Exeter Green Circle is a twelve-mile walk that provides a great walking experience within the boundaries of Exeter – from green countryside valley parks to the pavements of quiet leafy suburbs.
Step 3: You’re now in the Hoopern Valley segment. This part of the Green Circle winds close to the City Wall, revealing the now dry valley under the Iron Bridge.
Step 4: Near the high point of the route, there are views to the sea in one direction and Dartmoor in another over Duryard Valley Park. Let’s see if we can find the spot!
Step 5: Start by walking down Pennsylvania Road. Cross at the central refuge to Argyll Road.
Step 6: As you round the hedge on the other side of the street, take an immediate right, past the brick posts.