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Step 1: Fen Ditton fields and trees
Step 2: Starting at midsummer common (accessible from Darwin via the backs). Walk on the south river bank heading out of the city.

Step 3: Mindful moment: ease into walking noticing movement in your toes, feet and legs. Can you hear your breathing and heartbeat?
Step 4: Pass the bridge on your left and enter into Ditton meadows. Slow here to focus on the next steps for mindfulness

Step 5: Can you name 5 sights (cows), 4 feelings (not cows), 3 sounds (again cows), 2 scents (cows), 1 taste (not cows)?

Step 6: Continue walking towards Fen Ditton. What is changing around you, does the ground feel different, or are there signs of people, houses etc?
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