Wonderful Wisley

Walks, England, Surrey, Guildford

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Map preview for Wonderful Wisley
  • Book your tickets online to save some dosh and once in turn right to see the spectacular arts and crafts house...

    Step 1: Book your tickets online to save some dosh and once in turn right to see the spectacular arts and crafts house...

  • Enjoy the formal house garden and spectacular pond, walk around the side and through the lovely boat house

    Step 2: Enjoy the formal house garden and spectacular pond, walk around the side and through the lovely boat house

  • "Informal" planting is throughout the gardens, with little streams, ponds along your way into the main grounds as well as a stunning rockery

    Step 3: "Informal" planting is throughout the gardens, with little streams, ponds along your way into the main grounds as well as a stunning rockery

  • All the plants are labelled so hunt about if not immediately clear and get plotting for your own green space 🌱

    Step 4: All the plants are labelled so hunt about if not immediately clear and get plotting for your own green space 🌱

  • The tropical and desert glasshouse is stunning with a huge central waterfall, enjoy the warmth and dream of sunnier climes  ☀️

    Step 5: The tropical and desert glasshouse is stunning with a huge central waterfall, enjoy the warmth and dream of sunnier climes ☀️

  • The glasshouse is teaming with orchids, both naturally planted and formally displayed

    Step 6: The glasshouse is teaming with orchids, both naturally planted and formally displayed

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