Welham Hill Walk

Walks, England, North Yorkshire, Ryedale

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Map preview for Welham Hill Walk
  • Start at Lidl.

    Step 1: Start at Lidl.

  • Head up the road with Lidl to right left. Keep walking - it’s a long stretch!

    Step 2: Head up the road with Lidl to right left. Keep walking - it’s a long stretch!

  • When you get to this junction, turn left.

    Step 3: When you get to this junction, turn left.

  • Follow the road. You’ll pass a derelict building on your left.

    Step 4: Follow the road. You’ll pass a derelict building on your left.

  • Keep an eye out on your right for this path leading steeply upwards.

    Step 5: Keep an eye out on your right for this path leading steeply upwards.

  • Follow the path. Head up a steep bank through this gap in a fence.

    Step 6: Follow the path. Head up a steep bank through this gap in a fence.

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