Step 1: Take tram B to the stop “Les Hangars”. Cross the road & make your way to the riverside walk. Then turn left.
Step 2: Watch out for bikes, skateboards and rollers! You’ll see the Chaban-Delmas lift bridge ahead of you.
Step 3: Inaugurated in 2013, the Pont Jacques Chaban-Delmas is the world’s longest vertical lift bridge.
Step 4: Jacques Chaban-Delmas was Mayor of Bordeaux from 1947 to 1995. That’s an amazing 48 years of service to the city! Someone obviously reckoned he deserved a bridge...
Step 5: Cap Sciences building on your left just before the Pont Chaban-Delmas. Science exhibitions and shows for (big) kids!
Step 6: Seen from the Pont Chaban-Delmas: the boutiques and cafes along the Quai des Marques.