Stomp to school at least once a day for six weeks. The more you stomp, the higher your chances of winning a prize!

16,150 miles

Total Scores to Date

Portsmouth North

Per Pupil
League PositionParticipantScoreAverage WalksCO2 SavingsCalories Burned
Beacon View Primary School18061.4kg 642
St Paul's Catholic Primary School13640.7kg 398
Grand Totals:873kg424,819

Portsmouth South

Per Pupil
League PositionParticipantScoreAverage WalksCO2 SavingsCalories Burned
Cumberland Infant School439222.9kg 1,402
Craneswater Junior School253102.5kg 1,083
Wimborne Primary School19671.1kg 524
Grand Totals:2331kg1,070,784

Last updated, Saturday 22nd July 2023

Scores are calculated using a mixture of how many pupils sign up, how often they walk to school and how many earn their week complete badges. That means the more who sign up, the more the chance of winning, and the more you walk, even more chance!

Prizes up for grabs:

2x BMX Show

2x New scooter parking

By walking, cycling, wheeling or scooting to school more often we can all be more active. Download the app to join the challenge, help to make our air cleaner and save money!

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